Too young for love?

It was love weekend and as the 14th approached my mornings were ones of belting a specific genre of choice. As a yute growing up in the naughties, the R&B music scene of this era, is what constructed my idea of what love was supposed to look like. All I ever wanted was to experience a love like so. My home didn’t exactly provide me with a positive representation of love, so I concluded songs like “Crazy in love”, “Always on time” and “Afrodisiac” were its definition. Being completely infatuated with someone you fancy, you know the vibes.

Since I can remember I’ve envisioned how my ‘forever dude’, would be like down to the last detail and quite frankly I don’t think my dream man exists? I musn’t fail to mention that I’m only 24, but I don’t feel ready for that love I imagine would change my life. But does age really mean anything, or is is just a number? is throwing down just a thing? I would like to know.
young love
Has kinda always tickled me. Couples at my school took that hour lunch break to walk around the perimeter of the astro turf pitch in the centre of our school, and that is how you knew they were dating. I’ve taken many a walks, but experienced no true teenage romance for I could not find what I wanted. Whenever I happen to go on facebook and scroll, its to see yet another engagement or pregnancy. I always think imagine marrying someone from your childhood town… like where’s the flavour? At the same time kudos to people who at 13/14/15 knew exactly what you wanted out of life, sometimes I crave that kinda stability.
Then I remember that I am a multifaceted girl, who is aware that there are 7 billion people on earth. So you’re either going to be basic and end up in a few entanglements or find rare true love, just not immediately. With the place I’m at in my life right now, my experiences affirm there’s no way around this predicament so there’s that…
I can corroborate that the person that dodges your emotions isn’t what actually vexes you. It’s deeping the violation. When you do the shadow work and realise you are the cause of what you attract, that is what feels messed up… (before it gets better). If you gave me 1 euro for the amount of failed talking stages, I could buy a pain au chocolat. And that’s due to the fact the price of pastries be going up. There are never ending dating debates on social media and as a spectator and comment section reader, I have taken what I felt could apply to me. I say that to say I’ve made many mistakes in my 7 years on the market. One of them being situationships lacking in boundaries and asking out men out (because men on twitter said they’d love females to be assertive) and well they lied.
the hustle without love
As Justin Nozuka once said “If both of us are vibing then why should we wait?”. Growth is a never ending journey. Be it financial, personal or spiritual etc. An umpteen amount of us now know we have been conditioned to neglect love and replace it with capital. All this “you just tryna be somebody, before you say you need somebody” isn’t rainbows and sunshine. I respected it until the pandemic proved “sometimes loneliness is the only rest we get”. To create space for duality is a positive approach in embracing love in all areas of our lives. self love, love and being love.
Are we too young for love? do you believe you have to attain a certain career goal before that can be a focus point? As a certified lover girl with no love, I’m done believing I can’t have it all. It’s upsetting me and my homegirls, no 20k dropping in a my account and no LOVE???? My enemies might actually be winning.
Vday playlist single edition: